This guy makes some very interesting predictions.
If he is right, things are really scary. Sounds like end of the world in 2012?
I am usually skeptical of extreme predictions like these. There are too many around and most of them over history did not come to fruition. Remember end of the world for millennium bug? I had a prominent analyst friend of mine who stocked up ammunition and food and after that the world continues.
As with everything, take it with a grain of salt. It could be new chicken little but there are facts that are very interesting. Filter out the meat from the bones. I am skeptical of the information from elites, conspiracies and some extreme end of the world predictions. But there are facts that I am aligned on many of the predictions will actually happen.
Following are some facts which I find aligned with current events. There are some truths you may miss out because you do not it because it is extreme and religious for some.
The USA debt is currently $15.1 trillion. The combined debt for ALL of the Euro Zone is $12.7 trillion. Our debt is unsustainable.
The four signs mentioned that are interesting are:*Derivatives start to crack
*Currency wars
*Trade wars
*An increase in interest rates
Tom Fowler was a broker on Wall Street 35 years ago when the elite introduced derivatives. He was told at that time they were going to use derivatives to bring worldwide economic collapse. They were going to use this phony “paper” in world financial markets to cause worldwide economic collapse. There are currently over ONE QUADRILLOIN DOLLARS IN DERIVATIVES ALTOGETHER WORLDWIDE.
#1. Right now the tax payers in the USA are exposed to $292 TRILLION in worthless derivatives (which they will be expected to pay for) when the stock market and banks collapse.
Currently the whole USA gross national product is only $15 trillion annually. The purpose of creating derivatives was to be able to collapse the US dollar when the elite want to collapse it. The first part of their master plan was to begin to crack the derivative market. How will you know that this is happening? [i.e. - the derivative market is cracking and collapsing?] By currency wars.
The currency wars have already started. As this happens the value of the US dollar as the worlds' reserve currency will drop to zero. Here is what has happened in the past 2 or 3 months. Before this it was “talk” and threats, but now it is happening. THESE ARE SIGNS OF CURRENCY WARS.
#1. April 14, 2012 ~ China, for the first time, will allow its currency to float. The exchange rate [my words] will be from 0.5% to 1.0% to the dollar. A 1.0% change would cause a 100% change in value of China’s currency against the US dollar. This would cause any goods imported from China to DOUBLE IN PRICE OVERNIGHT.
#2. April 11, 2012 ~ Brazil’s president visited the USA and had a very stern talk with President Obama. She attacked the USA for potentially causing a worldwide “economic tsunami”. By what means? By the Federal Reserve’s “Quantitative Easing”. [QE]… What is that? It is The Federal Reserve printing money out of thin air with absolutely nothing what-so-ever to back it up….that is, just printing worthless words on paper (“dollar bills”) with green ink.
The first QE [QE1] happened under George W. Bush. The second QE [QE2] happened under Obama. The worthless money printed was over $1 trillion. Now the Fed is considering QE3. This is what Brazil was the most concerned about.
The Brazilian president said, “If you have a QE3, we will have a trade war with you- a dirty currency war.” THERE WILL BE RETALIATION FROM BRAZIL, CHINA AND MANY OTHER COUNTRIES.
Lindsey’s comment: If we do QE3 this will happen. Foreign nations will have a currency war with the USA to destroy the dollar because a QE3 will destroy their economies.
Read a recent book by Jim Rickards "Currency Wars ". I loaned it from the library and intend to buy a copy. It contains more facts and many events will come true.
This is the third sign. The TRADE WARS have begun in earnest in the past 90 days.
#1. Feb. 1, 2012 ~ China and Japan made the largest trade agreement in history. They are going to trade their products among themselves using their currencies. They will NOT use US dollars. This has never happened before.
#2. April 2012 ~ Iran is the #4 oil producer in the world. Every barrel of oil has been traded in US dollars since the inception of the world oil trade. As a result of the economic blockade against Iran, India has now agreed to buy a million barrels of oil from Iran every day AND PAY WITH GOLD BULLION. This is a trade war.
#3. Saudi Arabia has been the #1 oil importer to the USA. Saudi Arabia has just made a deal with China to build, (within China’s borders), “the biggest oil refinery in the world”. They will ship the crude oil to China for processing. They will use only their two currencies. This is a trade war.
#4. BRICS ~ Brazil + Russia + India + China + South Africa
These 5 countries have 43% of the world’s population. They have 18% of the world’s GDP. They control 50% (?) of the world’s capital. These 5 countries are going to form their own bank. They will not use US dollars.
#5. SWIFT ~ An anachronism …as best as I can: “Society of worldwide interbank tele-communications”
SWIFT is the banking system used worldwide to wire transfers of money. In 10 days (already passed) India, China and many other countries will no longer use SWIFT to transfer money. They will also use their own currencies, not the USA dollar. (See #4 above.)
#6. April 27, 2012 ~ China has started using gold to buy oil from Iran. This has never happened before.
QE1 happened the last year of GWB’s administration. QE2 happened under Obama. Billions of dollars [which tax payers are responsible for] have been given to banks both in the USA and in the Euro Zone. Who is buying Greek bonds, (which they know can never be repaid)? Some strangers are buying? Who will buy if they know it is not going to be paid?
So the world no longer needs the US dollar. This is going to show up big time in 6-9 months in USA grocery stores, hardware stores…etc…
Foreign countries will start cashing in their US dollars. In fact they have already started. These foreigners and foreign governments want tangibles – not dollars. They are already buying gold mines, houses, farm land---whatever they can get their hands on.
The trade wars bring on SIGN #4. This is the last sign and the VISUAL straw that “breaks the camel’s back”. Interest rates in Japan and the USA are currently virtually at zero. IT IS ALMOST TOO LATE NOW. We are right on the verge of collapse. A single 1% point rise in Federal Reserve interests will raise the national debt by $140 billion.
Also, when the Federal Reserve starts purchasing their [the USA’s] own debt you know it’s over. In 2011, 61% of all T-Bills issued by the Federal Reserve [USA debt] WERE PURCHASED RIGHT BACK BY THE FEDERAL RESERVE ITSELF. That is, they bought their/our own debt. That means IT’S OVER…and according to Lindsey Williams, "It’s not even the debt that’s important, it’s the interest!..."
It is true when US is forced to raise interest rates, everything will collapse FAST.
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